Meet Me,
Nuha Akhand

👇 Learn more about this passionate student

About Me

Who am I?

To start off, my name is pronounced new-ha. It’s arabic for intelligent. I was born on October 12, 2005, and am in grade 11 at Waterloo Collegiate Institute. My favourite STEM subjects are math and science, specifically physics. I also greatly enjoy the arts, especially when working on the UX/UI for websites.

Picture of Nuha Picture of Nuha



My partner and I researched and conducted many experiments related to electro-culture, an agricultural technique where electricity stimulates the plant. We had tested many different forms of electro-culture by directly stimulating a batch of seeds of wheatgrass prior to germination and the plant groups, as well as creating electromagnetic fields of different intensities around the growing plant. At the end, we examined the cultivated bacteria from the soil sample.

image of electroculture


Drought Resistance
in C3 plants

My partner and I worked on the modification of c3 plants, specifically wheat plant genomes, to be more drought resistant. We researched and reviewed multiple studies successfull in their attempts of editing the wheat plant genomes to be more drought resistant. We proposed that using CRISPR-Cas9, we would add ABA-responsive LEA genes and DREB2 genes.

wheat field


Radio Telescope
in C3 plants

A group of people and I are currently working on building a radio telescope from scratch. I am working on the design of the telescope which includes the different sections and materials required. To design the telescope, many mathematical aspects are involved as we have to determine the size of the horn antenna to collect the 21 cm hydrogen line waves.

radio telescopes